Ya know how sometimes you say things...and you don't really realize how often you say things? Well, leave it to a two year old who is a parrot to point that out to you. Apparently I say, "Are you ok?" alot to Sy because it is a very used phrase at this point. Bang my knee, "mommy, you ok?", Kill a biting mosquito, "mommy, you ok?", burp,..."mommy, you ok?", ect ect....and he goes as far as to mimic what I do to "make it better". Just a couple days ago, after somehow scraping my leg on something, Sy walked over with a towel (dirty, mind you) and applies pressure to my scrape, says, "mommie, you ok?" and then......."give it kisses" as he says.......................... And to add to it, in my endless pursuit of potty training I am a watchdog for any sign that Sy might need to "go poop" (sorry for the descriptives!). So a rootie toot here, or a grunt there and I am by his side saying, "Sy need to poop?" (again, sorry) Well, my smart little parrot now repeats this behavior......Jake rooties and Sy says, "Jake poop" and comes over and touches his butt (which is my way of telling whether or not I am too late with Sy, if you know what I mean!). And just tonight when we were sitting at the table, a toy fire engine made a noise that sounded a bit like a rootie toot and Sy came running over to me and said, while placing his hand on my bum...."mommy poop?" Ya gotta love it!..............................And finally, there is my less than successful approach to getting Sy to do something I ask of him. Sy is a bit of a clown, he loves to think that ignoring our requests is funny, or running away from us is funny, so my attempt at taking a calm approach to this has been to count down from 5 to 1. Well, do you want to know when he spurs into action....somewhere after one and before I get to him! So anyway, obviously Sy has become quite familiar with the numbers. And wouldn't you know it but the other day while sitting in the kitchen, Sy barked an order at me and when I didn't respond as he had hoped he began to count down.........5.............3...............1 He forgets a few numbers, but whose counting right? So there ya go.