Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Final Post

Well as I mentioned, I spent the afternoon with the Looman's at their wonderful home outside of Krasnoyarsk. We had pork sandwiches, french fries and milkshakes. It doesn't get any better than that folks! And the grand finale...aqua-aerobics. Let's just say, it was not a pretty sight for me and the swim suit, but it was a blast. The gal leading it spoke Russian obviously and was shouting out orders from the deck and counting up and down from 8. I thought I might have those numbers learned by the time I left, but not so much. Although I think I have 3 down because it sounds like "three". That makes it easy. There were only four of us and apparently I was her focus because she was constantly correcting my obviously poor form. Straighten your arms, don't splash, faster, work harder. All I could do was laugh because I had no idea she was talking to me until about the third time she would repeat herself and everyone looked at me and then translated what she said. It was quite an experience. I met another American missionary family that came over to the Looman's. DeDe came with us to aquaaerobics...... Here is a funny thing....the water was very deep, like to my chin deep. I was the tallest one there! The fourth gal that joined us was maybe 5'4, so picture how the water was for her. We were all drowning as she had us moving 100 miles an hour and we were creating a small tsunami with each movement! A memorable occasion for sure. ...... We stopped at the local grocery store where Iris showed me different things I could buy. It is universal...don't eat the hotdogs! I had pretty much figured that and had taken that approach with ALL meat. I think I will stick with that. Tomorrow is another day of rest. I think I will sleep in...6 am if I am lucky. Good night!


  1. I would say after a meal like that you prob needed the water areobics. lol I certainly would have needed it, whether I would have done it or not will remain a mystery! I am sure the time will be a bit more difficult to fill to say the least, good you have a few contacts tho that will maybe help with that. On the meat issue, I think I told you that we found ham that was really pretty good and also there is sliced salami as long as you get the stuff with the small wht fat composites its pretty good. Cheese was pretty easy too, just press on the package to test the soft/hardness of it and err on the side you like best. We prefer hard cheese. their bread is also really good. We loved the fact that there was always dessert served for breakfast!! But they really do walk it off. I need to walk more like they do and then winter wouldn't catch up to me as bad! Hope you slept well, love catching up with you every day. I don't seem to have your personal email, just the one from work but I don't know if you can check that email from over there.

  2. I am dying with laughter...can see you in aqua-aerobics! Probably similar to the time we did Zumba! Sounds like quite the experience. Cinnabon of course appeals to me as well. I'd say stock up! Take care and keep up the entertaining posts! Love ya! ~Kate
